Thursday, December 6, 2007

Reduce Or Spare Use, And Not Confuse

Finally, the United Nations came to the conclusion that Global Warming and Climate Change are caused by human activity primarily the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere. This truth will bring about a catasthropic consequence to the whole world if we will not act immediately. The time clock of destruction had been ticking and humankind might not just be able to address it in time. The questions is; is it still manageable or inevitable? There are different opinions to it but what is certain is that it will happen but as to the degree, no one knows. It can be a simple weather change or swift destruction. The range is to wide that it is better to focus our effort in bracing for it as much as we can and doing something to stop if not reverse it.

The present conference had decided on four building blocks to address it; adaptation, mitigation, technology, and financing. These pave the way for the emergence of lots of ways to address CC; carbon trading, carbon capture, reducing emission by deforestation and degradation etc. What is happening is that methods are being placed to cure the crisis but not to prevent them. The nature of the problem necessitates both a curative and preventive approach. Reduction and Mitigation will help, but Reduction is still the best if not the total eradication of the emission.

The Kyoto Protocol had assigned a certain limit of carbon emission of every country per time.However, it also provided the possibility of maintaining their regular emission if they will trade their carbon emission with the carbon capacity of another nation. They could either have a joint capacity or they will credit it to them in exchange for whatever the country gaining carbon credit prefers. As it is, it does not solve the proble, but only found a way to continuosly emit carbonwith others trying to neutralize it. I believe this missed the idea or underestimates the point in the CC issue.The truth is, we have too much carbon and therefore, we stop adding to it and be relentless in reducing it. We all have to sacrifice for our welfare and, especially the next generation. There is not other way. No carbon is the only way!

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