Sunday, December 2, 2007

Discipline, When Are We Going To Have It?

We know what is right and what is wrong. Why are we doing the wrong and neglect the right? We know what will be good and what will be bad and yet we set aside the good and attend to the bad. Lots of things had been done in order to address it, but no success. Lately, I heard a government official trying to accommodate those who are violating by adjusting to their behavior. This is not a bad approach, but in the end, it is still about discipline. If it comes to a point when the new accommodating scheme is not effective anymore, another accommodation will be offered. Up to when will the accommodation be? So, it boils down to discipline.
Discipline will tell the difference and will remove all obstacles. Discipline saves a lot of time, effort, and even money. We all know it. We all agree to it. But why is it not being done? Most probably it is because we expect the other to start first. The problem with this thinking is that everybody expects everybody. Therefore, discipline will never get off its foot. But, if we decide to start with ourself, change will happen right there instantly. So, the best is really to admit to oneself that discipline will only take into effect if we begin with ourselves. So, let us begin with our selves. I will begin.....

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