Monday, August 25, 2008

Iglesia Ni Kristo

Jesus founded the Church. Specifically, He founded it on the faith of Peter. He made Simon as the Piedra (rock) on which He will establish His Church. The Gospel this Sunday (21st Sunday Ordinary Time) says three things about this Church Jesus founded.

First, He claims it as His own, " Church". The Church is not by the Pope's, bishop's, priest's, or any believer. All of us belongs to the Church by virtue of our Baptism. We are, in fact, the Church, the Body of Christ. Because He is the owner of the Church, he determines its purpose and is being. We are His members and workers. What we do depends on what He wants. Our being Church depends on our obedience to Him. It is in this context that we must understand the actions of the leaders of the Church. The leadership is only in so far as proclaiming the Good News of salvation. Like the prophets (carrier of the Word of God), Church leaders should only share and preach the Word and Deed of Jesus. They must only be faithful to His message. His message, not the leader's, is what saves!

Second, Jesus meant to build this Church, " I will build my Church." The Church will be built through His Word and Deed. The Church will compose of the Baptized. The Kingdom is being built when people live God's Word and Deed. He guarantees that everything the Church needs to reach her destiny would be available. The Church on the other hand must cooperate and exercise constant obedience for her to reach her destiny.

Third, Jesus promised that nothing will prevail over it. He will protect His Church. No government, kingdom, movement, or any kind of threat can subdue it. His Church will prevail. History had proven this to be true. Since the foundation of the Church, she had proven time and again her stability and continued existence amidst crises and scandals. It does not mean that the Church tolerated them but that she consists of people who are limited and has weaknesses. Thanks to the martyrs of the faith, she had proven that even death could not destroy them. But she also is owned and guided by God who is always present in her. God's presence makes her holy. Human presence makes her capable of weaknesses. In as much as Jesus founded the Church in order to make available salvation which He wrought through His death and resurrection, He will protect and guarantees her existence.

This is the Church. This is where we belong. This is where we will find guidance and salvation. This is God's Kingdom here on earth. This is our community here on earth as it is in heaven! In spite of the limitations and weaknesses of this Church, I still love her because only through her can I find Jesus and benefit from His saving power. I love the Church. I love the Catholic Church because it is the Church of Christ!

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