Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Resurrection: A Matter Of Faith

Proof? Who needs it? With the Resurrection, proof is not necessary. As long as you believe, no proof is needed. In the first place, it cannot be proven. NOBODY saw the Lord actually Resurrecting! One would die witnessing it. The events and and situations given in the bible (empty tomb, many appearances of Jesus to the apostles) are signs that give us reasons to believe that the Lord resurrected. But our belief in it does not rest on the empty tomb nor in the appearances. The testimony of the apostles (specially Paul and John) are enough for me to believe in it. John puts it very well in his first letter when he said that what he had written are what he had seen, heard and experienced during the lifetime of the Lord.

On the natural level, we can identify "signs" of life eternal and therefore, the Resurrection. Seeds needing to die before it springs to new life, grow, and bear fruit; butterflies emerging from a cocoon; trees which are almost dead on a certain season and becomes fully alive and blossoming on another season; and the experience of the supernatural.

Life is too precious to just disappear and lead to nothing. God, who is life, is a God of the living. Life, therefore, would never cease. It just changes!

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