Saturday, April 28, 2007

Election106 - Only With The Three G's

The prevailing sentiment and feeling among the voter's for the coming elections is very alarming. They believe that an honest to goodness candidate will never be proclaimed. Unless he has the three G' (Guns, Gold, and Goons), even if he was voted by the majority, he stands to lose the elections. This is very sad. Whatever had happened to us? What kind of generation do we have now if this system is allowed to prevail? That is why we deserve the officials we have. Yet, we welcome these officials in spite of the way they acquired their power, much worst, the way they govern. I refuse to agree and cooperate with this kind of thinking. There is great hope. We must begin chipping away the rusts that destroys the moral fiber of our society. Let us vote according to our conscience. Even in a small way like going out and casting our vote would make a lot of difference no matter how little are our individual acts. Miracles do happen!

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