Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pro-Life and Pro-Good

January 19, 2011
Mk. 3:1-6
The Man With A Withered Hand

The Jews had a very high, if not an absolute, respect for their laws. These laws were derived and sourced out of the laws given by Yahweh to Moses. Jesus, as a Jew, knew all of these laws by heart and lived them to the full. His parents taught Him these set of commandments which they called the Torah. In the Gospel today, we can dispense the idea that Jesus was not aware of this regard for the Law which includes the law on the Sabbath. As provided in that law, no one is to make any cure on that day, among other things.

But Jesus took the opportunity here, in the case of the man with the withered hand, to bring firth the true and essential spirit of the law. He asked the disturbing question to those who around, "Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?" Here, he makes a clear distinction, maybe an exception? No, much much more. It is actually the rule rather than an exception. Jesus did not really violate the law but put it in proper perspective. The ultimate end is goodness and life! "Good" here is not the relative worldly good but the absolutely divine good. Life here is really more of life in the Lord than just mere breathing! In that case, it is not against the Torah but a deepening of it. It is not even a disrespect rather, an honor.

Those who are so tied down to the law, like the Pharisees during the time of Jesus, could not accept it. For them, accepting it means the crumbling of everything that they had believed and lived all along. What they could not see was the effort and offer of Jesus to help them transcend the law which they had limited to written and oral rules. Most probably, they felt the compelling message of Jesus behind those pronouncements and actions, but they decided to disregard it and cling to what is "safe" or legal! This attitude is quite prevalent today. Too much regard for the law at the expense of life and goodness!

Once I was in a retreat together with some priests from other countries in Europe, Asia, USA and Latin America, in Novara, Italy. It was in preparation for the formation seminar being given by the Legionaries of Christ to formators (I was then Dean of Studies in Holy Apostles Senior Seminary). Near the end of the retreat, there was an announcement that we would take a break after dinner. That was unusual! It was not part of the program. The reason was not announced. Some priests were smiling. I asked my Argentinian seat mate why. He said that it was because of the World Cup in Football and Italy was playing against Argentina! I could not believe what I heard! Later, watching them watch the game made me appreciate the decision even if I did not fully understood.

There was break from the rule, no doubt. But, as far as the football fans are concerned, it is "good" and maybe, their "life"! Only God knows whether it was reasonable enough or in accordance with the Spirit. I tend to believe it is. The message in today;s Gospel becomes clearer. Each of us, in our heart, has a good connection with God. The decisions we make are guided and influenced by various people, events, and faith. In the end, it is between us and God. As Cardinal Rosales once said, "With love and God, you can not go wrong." Goodness and life are testimonies of loving and a spark of the divine!

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