Friday, June 11, 2010

Grow up!

Feast of the Sto. Nino
Mt. 18:1-5, 10

What about the children that Jesus gives importance to them by setting them as examples? Is it not true that children are sources of irritations because of their questioning without let up? Are they not always breaking, spilling, or deforming things? Are not their cries, tantrums, and rowdiness the cause of so many headaches and anger from their parents and elders? We can enumerate and cite lot more reasons questioning the choice of the Lord Jesus, but the fact remains that He did refer to the children as the greatest in God's Kingdom! (Mt. 18:2). Maybe, all of the complaints we have against children are acceptable to the Lord at their age. But in the Gospel today, the Lord Jesus refers more to the dependence, simplicity, and humility of children

Remember, the concern of the Lord is our salvation. If we are to belong to the Kingdom, we have to know our place before the Lord and have complete faith in Him. It is for this reason that Jesus took the children as models. In the same way that children are dependent on their parents for sustenance and formation, we must also be the same with God. In the same way that children recognizes their place before their parents and elders, we too must relate in the same way. Children rely so much on their parents. We must also rely on God in living our lives. Children know that they came from their parents and therefore their parents know better than them. We know that God created us and therefore should recognize that God knows what is best for us.

Jesus, Himself, was the best example. Though He was God, He willingly fulfilled His role as a child of Mary and Joseph. As an ordinary child, He was born of a mother, lived with His parents, helped them, visited the temple, etc. The Gospel writer and Apostle Luke saw Him growing in wisdom and strength! He did not remain a child, though. He grew up! He was not a"nino" forever. He later preached, made miracles, and suffered and died obeying His Father! He was a perfect Son to His Father. He showed the way to salvation.

Today's feast is not only a recognition of the humanity of the Lord Jesus. Today also is a reminder for all of us that we can achieve salvation with our humanity. We should also grow, in wisdom and strength. We should continue to imbibe the dependence we have to our parents and use it in relating with God. Let us not forget our being creature to God being Creator.

One thing about children, (this is true today as it was during our time), they do not hold grudges. They may have a fierce fight against each other, but they forgive fully! When they say "peace", they really mean it. After the reconciliation, they play as if nothing happened! I believe it will be accurate to say that it is not true with adults. The Lord Jesus is right! The Kingdom belongs to children!

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