Monday, September 1, 2008

Who Is Behind This....?

It is the first day of September and in most shows on television and radio, we can here greetings for and references to Christmas. The Christmas Season, which is yet to happen and be celebrated four moths from now, is now being anticipated. It seems to even disregard and render the Advent Season irrelevant.

I know that many will react to this and may even accuse me of over-reacting or making a mountain out of a hill. But I simply can not just take all of these sitting down and watch the spirit of the season be eaten alive or lose by default. Things are happening as if the truth of Christmas is not known. Or, the accepted celebration is already obsolete? 

Christmas is a Jesus-event. It is the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the information of many. If we look at the birth of the Lord, it has a distinct message. In fact, when He was born, it was a silent night, a holy night. He was born in a manger. There were no fun fares. Quietly He was born not in a palace or glamorous place but in a manger, a home for animals. That was the first Christmas and it was God's way of fulfilling His promise that He will be with us. That is why Jesus was named "Emmanuel", meaning "God with us!". God became one like us to extend His peace. Peace here means reconciliation. At that time when Jesus was born, the world was in dire need of conversion. God's plan was to give His only Son to die for us after bringing the Good News of salvation. It is in this context that the Advent Season, a time of repentance and reflective anticipation of the birth and the second coming of the Lord Jesus, is first celebrated so as to fully and truly receive the grace of the birth of Jesus which is called "Christmas". Unless there is another Christmas, then I believe we stick to how it must be celebrated or change its name so as not to mistake it with those who want to celebrate Christmas in their own different way. In that way, confusion will be avoided!

Commercialism maybe behind all these. The earlier they can introduce the Christmas spirit, the longer will be the spending season. Hedonism may also be operating. People just try every opportunity to shun from sacrifices and sufferings. Every chance of enjoying is being grabbed and experienced. Ignorance is also a factor. The lack of knowledge of the true meaning of Christmas easily sways and influences many. There maybe other reasons but all the same, they affect and contribute to the dilution, and worst, secularization of a core-Jesus-event in the life of the Christian faithful.

The challenge to the Catholic Church grows harder and harder each year this practice is being done. She must find a way to cope with it. Is a compromise solution acceptable? Is it possible to allow it and just remind people about the essence of Christmas? The Church does not reject changes to things that maybe changed as long as the core message is retained. This would need a thorough and deep discernment of the signs of the times. In the meantime, let us strive not just to be easily swayed by all the forces around us, but seek sincerely what is being offered by the season. In the end, what is at stake is not just the happy and meaningful celebration of every Christmas but the grace it gives that we must be able to receive.

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