Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Word of God Defeats Temptation.

This First Sunday of Lent we are presented with the scene of the temptation of Jesus by the devil. Makes me think if the devil really attempted to lure the Son of God to go against His will? It means convincing Him to disobey the Father? It means to abandon His divinity? For what acceptable, even diabolic and deceptive reason, would the devil has the courage and cunning to even make any offer to Jesus and hope to triumph even in the tiniest quantity? This is really baffling. And I thought the devil is more intelligent and wise than man?

Examining the exchange between Jesus and the devil, we can say that the "temptations" used by the devil are is almost irresistible. The temptations address the very basic human craving. The devil gave an offer no one can refuse. As it happened, except Jesus! Jesus responded, not fled, to the challenge of the devil. His secret? The Word of God. Scriptures! What is written! Desperate, the devil deceptively and wrongly quoted what had been written, thinking he can beat Jesus in His own game. But how can the devil win over Jesus over Scriptures. Jesus is the Word made flesh! Jesus against Jesus? Ha, ha, ha! Here, the devil is completely controlled be Jesus. The devil realized that he can never win for the very act of tempting God is against what is written!

This gives us the lesson that the Word of God is the essence of holy life. All temptations could only be transcended and avoided if we know and live the Word. Obedience to God is realized by our obedience to the Word. Obedience to God is obedience to Jesus, the Word of God. The Word of God is the antidote to the lord of the lie. This also gives us the idea that temptations can be addressed. Temptations would not result to sin if we have the courage and the will to resist them. Temptations are even opportunities to prove to God our faith. When we overcome them, we move closer to God, a step up the ladder of holiness.

We may pursue intensely and relentlessly the reason for the temptation of Jesus by the devil, but I believe, the more important fact is its reality. If Jesus, the Son of God was tempted, not once but thrice, how much more are we? Jesus had given us the way to face temptations. He had also given us great hope that it can be defeated. He had shown that it is an opportunity to show God's power and wisdom. Temptations do not necessarily and must not lead to sin. Rather, it should be seen as a chance to show our faith in God.

So, let us equip ourselves. Jesus Himself fasted for forty days and forty nights in the desert. And then, let the Word of God rule our lives. Just like with Jesus, the devil's only recourse is to retreat and hope to find another time when we can succumb to his offers. Vigilance is therefore another aspect we must be aware of. The battle for human soul on this earth is never done. As long as we live, evil may strike anytime in any place to anyone.

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