Sunday, August 12, 2012

Becoming Like Jesus Christ

In this 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel, we continue with the Bread of Life Discourse of our Lord Jesus. Here, He claims to be the Bread of Life. His Bread differs from the manna given by the Father to the wandering Israelites in the desert. His Bread gives eternal life.

It is interesting to note that Jesus captures the hearts and mind of man by choosing the meal to represent the Eucharist. Food, through the bread and wine, provides a perfect analogy to the message Jesus wanted to depict. But with a twist.

We know that food, when taken, eventually becomes part of our body. Meat which provides protein gives us muscles. Rice, which provides carbohydrates and vitamin B, gives us a healthy brain and energy. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C, strengthens us against diseases. Calcium equips our bones. As the saying goes, we are what we eat!

With the Lord Jesus in Holy Communion, we are also what we eat. But in this case, it is not what we eat which becomes part of us but we become who we have received! Whenever we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, we should be transformed to Him. We are "Christianized". We possess the aroma of Jesus. We smell like Christ. In other words, we are witnesses to His values. We become living models of Christianity. We represent Christ in the community.

It means being forgiving, understanding, true, loving, obedient, etc. It is painful to see faithfuls receiving the Lord Jesus in communion but not being transformed to Him. Many wonder how a person can be so religious yet so dishonest, corrupt, unforgiving, greedy, unfaithful, etc. The transformative power of the body and blood of Jesus does not operate like a medicine where it will be effective even without the active participation of the person. No, it does not work that way. The person must be aware of the presence of Jesus in the bread received. Then, he must live the life of Jesus who he received. The transformation is spiritual. He may not have changed physically, but he should have changed spiritually.

This is the Bread of Life Jesus was talking about. Being in relation with Jesus in the Eucharist means being transformed by His Word and Body.

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