Thursday, February 22, 2007

Salvation Guaranteed

We celebrate today the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, The Apostle. The stress is on the "chair"! So what is in a chair? The feast recognizes the teaching authority of the Church. That the Church (Pope, Bishops, and even priests), when she teaches on faith and morals is faithful to the teaching of Jesus. After the resurrection, before Jesus went back to His Father, He entrusted to Peter and the apostles the responsibility of spreading the Gospel and passing on of the teaching (Scriptures and Tradition). The Lord Jesus asked Peter if he loves the Lord, three times. Three times, Peter answered yes. Notice that every after answer of Peter, Jesus would add that Peter should tend His sheep or feed His flock. Peter and the apostles would pass on the deposits of faith to succeeding generations. They will share their experience of Jesus (what they have heard, seen, felt, and even tasted and smelled!). The authority had been transmitted to the Popes, Bishops and to priests through ordination. The priest is therefore responsible in seeing to it that the Good News is preached.

This is very concrete in the administration of the sacraments. The sacraments are considered as channels of graces from God. Every Catholic avails of the sacraments in order to experience and benefit from the saving grace of God. Does the spiritual condition of the priest matters? Accidentally or externally, it may. But essentially or spiritually, it does not. In other words, the sinfulness or holiness of the priest does not determine the validity and being effective of the sacrament. Of course it helps to have a priest who delivers well his homily or celebrates the sacrament with deliberation and sincerity, the essential effect of the sacrament is the same for ALL priests. So, it follows that even if it is a priest, or a Bishop, or a Pope who baptizes, they have the SAME EFFECT! The graces available and received for each sacrament are the same. Otherwise, doon na lang tayo pakasal o pabinyag sa obispo, papa o banal na pari. It follows too that we might have few if not out of choices! In the ministry of the priesthood, salvation is guaranteed.

Let us be thankful to God that His graces are always available even in the most unusual and complicated of circumstances.

As for us priests, I pray that we will be faithful to our ministry so that we will be effective servants of God.

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